Winterising your Home Infographic

Winter prep

Infographic Transcription:

Home Winter Preparation:

Winterising your home is an essential part of home maintenance and can not only prevent serious issues from occurring but also save you money on your energy bills!

Here are our top home winter preparation tips as well as an ultimate winter prep checklist you can use at home to help stay comfy and warm this winter.

Top 5 Winter Home Preparation Tips:

  1. Assess exterior for damage
    Cracks can appear in the bricks and mortar over time and if left untreated, it will allow water to enter the building
  2. Clear the gutters and drains
    Over time leaves, twigs and other debris can clog up you drains and cause water to pool. If the gutter is blocked it can cause water to leak into the house.
  3. Upgrade to a smart energy meter
    With a smart meter, there are no nasty surprise bills as you can monitor your energy usage in real time and make more informed decisions when buying safe, efficient appliances.
  4. Insulate your loft & water pipes
    Heat rises, so if your loft is not insulated - the hot air from the heating will quickly escape. Insulating water pipes reduces the chances of them freezing and bursting as they expand & contract.
  5. Service your boiler
    Don't let your boiler break when you need it the most! You should ensure that your boiler is serviced by a professional every 12 months to ensure that the boiler is safe, reliable and any faults can be fixed early.

Ultimate Winter Home Prep Checklist:

Be ready for anything this winter by following our handy winter prep checklist.

  • Service your boiler or water heater
  • Clear the gutters & drains around the house
  • Assess the house for exterior damage to bricks, mortar or window seals
  • Sweep you chimney & flue system
  • Test your smoke alarms & carbon monoxide detectors
  • Spread rock salt to prevent slipping on ice driveways & paths
  • Check the roof for damage or slipped tiles
  • Inspect your vents for leaks or openings to prevent animals getting inside
  • Stock up on essential items: food, batteries, bottled water, etc
  • Trim any overhanging tree branches near the house
  • Bleed your radiators to remove trapped air & improve performance
  • Cover patio furniture & store any tools inside a shed
  • Insulate your water pipes & the loft


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